A day in the life of a packet
Packets have a short life (although its all a matter of perspective really), in general a packet that lasts much more than a few tens of milliseconds is doing well. Some packets have been known to live for as long as 700ms and travel into space but in generally most exist for a far shorter period of time and never make it out of the ground. Despite their short lifetime they have an important purpose without which the Internet would cease to exist. They carry the messages we send to friends, orders we send to online shops, directions to help us through traffic, films, weather, everything! What are these packets? Well really they're more of a concept than a substantial physical being, manifesting as strings of electrons or photons but little more. Their purpose, to convey little messages across the Internet. Created by many things, computers, phones, TV's anything that needs to talk to anything else over a network they come into being at the push of a button and cease to exist o...